
Civil Rights Defenders is an international non-profit and non-governmental organization that works on issues related to civil and political rights.

A scientific article written by assistant professor Michael Rosander (Linköping University) and professor Morten Birkeland Nielsen (University of Bergen) explains that people who speak up when a colleague is being bullied in the workplace are less likely to become victims themselves. There is a fear of becoming the next victim if you choose to intervene, but it has been shown that those who witness and intervene against bullying have a lower risk of being bullied themselves.*

Our hypothesis is that there is a need and demand for a safety app that offers tools and knowledge to deal with vulnerable situations.

New findings on intervening against bullying



Civil Right Defenders (fictional project)


UX Researcher
UI Designer 


Business model canvas
User flows
Crazy 8's sketches 
Wire framing 






4 weeks


Find a new target group within a market segment for an existing product that has not been previously targeted, research unmet needs, define pinpoints, and develop a prototype. 



In this project, we worked based on the design thinking method to understand problems and challenges and define the needs and expectations of users. Through this, we gathered insights and developed a concept that can solve the problem and challenges.



People feel insecure and more often afraid to intervene and speak up when they see someone being bullied, harassed or threatened. This occurs both in private and public spaces.


Identify blind spots and if there are potential risks that this type of application can pose. 

Get people to understand the value of the security app.

Defining existing valuable and useful resources in order to implement these as complementaries in the application.


Engage, inform and educate users and create greater self-esteem in order to be able to handle various vulnerable situations in an effective and safe way.



Throughout the research and analysis stage, we found that Civil Rights Defenders contribute very important work with strong resources, including experience and expertise. We believe that there is great potential for the organization to reach out to a larger audience and contribute with further benefits that can be valuable to the public.

To validate our hypotheses about the need for this kind of application through scientific articles and studies on the subject. According to the national safety survey from 2021 conducted by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (BRÅ), 28% of the population (16-84 years old) feel very or fairly unsafe and that, as a result of insecurity, they avoid going out alone late at night in their residential area.*

We have also looked into different methods of how we can contribute to strengthening the safety of people in public and private environments.


Business model canvas

To get an overall picture and understand Civil Rights Defenders business structure, we created a business model canvas. It helped us to understand the organization’s value proposition, what customer relationships look like, and what activities are implemented today to deliver the value proposition. 

We concluded that CRD's mission statement is: ”Based on the principle of the equal value of all, CRD works for a peaceful and secure world, with freedom and justice for all”.


User flows

We created a user flow for two users, one for the person in need of backup and support and another journey for the person on the other end providing help and support. This helped us to get a common and overall picture of the structure of the application.


Crazy 8's sketches

To generate ideas quickly, we did Crazy 8 sketches, which involves creating 8 sketches in 8 minutes with a focus on quantity instead of quality. Since we all sketched our own ideas based on the user journey, it resulted in a lot of good suggestions that we put together and took into the next step of creating the prototype.




Prototype & visual identity

During the development of the prototype, we experimented with a number of different complementary colors to find the right tone and feeling. We decided to work with dark background colors to keep screen illumination minimum in case the user needs to use the application more discreetly. 


High fidelity prototype



When registering for the app, users first complete two intro sessions to educate and provide valuable advice in order to make the user feel more confident and prepared to act in different situations. 

We chose to place an emergency call button on all pages after logging in to make it easily accessible in order to call emergencies in life-threatening situations.

When pressing the help button, the user sends signals to other users in the immediate surrounding area. Users on the other end receive the signal with the provided information so they can start moving towards the location.

We also added a map function to give the user a better understanding and further sense of control by being able to see where other users are when they either send or respond to a signal. There are also features that allow the user to direct communication between users during an ongoing situation, both through messages and calls.

Reflections & takeaways

The project at hand showcases a comprehensive approach to addressing a pressing issue in today's society: the prevalence of bullying, harassment, and threats in both private and public spaces. Here are some key reflections and takeaways from the project:

Addressing unmet needs

By recognizing the need for a safety app that equips users with tools and knowledge to deal with vulnerable situations, the project emphasizes the importance of technology in addressing societal challenges. This proactive approach to problem-solving demonstrates the potential for technology to contribute positively to social well-being.

Design thinking for user-centered solutions

The use of the design thinking method in this project allows for a deep understanding of users' needs and expectations. The emphasis on empathy and user-centered design is a valuable takeaway for any project aiming to create meaningful and effective solutions.

Collaborative creativity

The project's use of "Crazy 8's sketches" to generate ideas quickly underscores the value of collaborative creativity. When multiple team members contribute their ideas, it can lead to innovative and diverse solutions.

In summary, the project showcases a holistic and user-centered approach to addressing issues related to civil and political rights. It serves as a reminder that well-designed technology and thoughtful solutions can play a crucial role in making society safer, more informed, and more supportive of individuals facing challenging situations.



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